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Oleksandr Kulyk

Merited Doctor of Ukraine, neurosurgeon of the highest category, doctor of functional diagnostics, Doctor of Medical Sciences, director, Department Research Neurological and Neurosurgical Rehabilitation

The Merited Doctor of Ukraine, MD (Doctor of Medical Sciences), a neurosurgeon, a physician of neurofunctional diagnosis & neurological rehabilitation, the Director.

  • The author of the patent and his own method of rehabilitation of patients with injuries and functional disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system in the “ hospital in the home “(HITH).
  • The author of 30 scientific articles on various issues of neuro-oncology.
  • The participant of prestigious international and all-Ukrainian conferences and congresses
  • The member of the WFNR (The World Federation of Neurorehabilitation)

Areas of research interest include neuro trauma & injures, cerebrovascular diseases, neuro oncology (children & adults), neurological rehabilitation & functional diagnosis.

In 2000 graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Bukovinian State Medical Academy in Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

In 2000-2002 passed the internship on the basis of the neurosurgical center of Zhytomyr Oblast Clinical Hospital named after A.F. Herbachevsky and the Department of Neurosurgery of the Kyiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after Shupik.

Since the beginning of 2002 – worked as a neurosurgeon in the children's neurosurgical unit of the Zhytomyr Regional Children's Clinical Hospital.

In 2004 passed clinical residency on Neurosurgery at the Institute of Neurosurgery named after the Academician A.P. Romodanov”.

In 2007 graduated from the full-time postgraduate study of Neurosurgery at the "Institute of Neurosurgery named after Academician A.P. Romodanov AMNU ".

In 2008 defended PhD theses on "The combined treatment of glioma of the frontal-caudal area"

Since October 2008 to date – the founder and Director of NODUS the Scientific and Practical Center for Neuro-Rehabilitation

From August 2009 till the end of 2011 – a neurosurgeon at the Children's neurosurgical unit of the Alexander Clinical Hospital of Kyiv (the Kyiv City Center for Pediatric Neurosurgery, based on the City Clinical Children's Hospital No. 7 in Kyiv)

November 3, 2009 to date - a neurosurgeon in the Kyiv Oblast Emergency and Emergency Medicine Center.

In 2011 graduated from the "Organization and Management of Health Care" School at the Odessa National Medical University, received a diploma of a physician in "Organization and management of health care".

In 2012 completed a course and received a doctor's degree in Functional Diagnostics. The practical training was in the Kharkiv City Clinical Hospital of Emergency and Emergency Medical Care named after prof. A. I. Meshchaninov.

On July 5, 2019 Olexandr Kulyk defended the doctoral thesis on "The system of differentiated medical (physical) rehabilitation with post-traumatic post-coma long-term disorders of consciousness." Obtained the degree of the Doctor of Medical Sciences (MD).

  • For assistance to the Security Service of Ukraine in fulfilment of various tasks, for a significant personal contribution in strenghtening the national security of Ukraine, for the high professionalism, initiative and persistence Olexander Kulyk awarded with a Diploma of the Security Service of Ukraine in 2015
  • The Medal "For Sacrifice and Love for Ukraine" (2016) awarded by the Most Holy & the Most Blessed Filaret, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Kiev - Mothers of Russian Cities & Galicia, Patriarch of All Russia-Ukraine, of the Holy Assumption Kiev-Pechersk and Pochayiv Monastery
  • The Medal "For assistance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" (2016) awarded by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for the significant contribution by provision of specialized medical care to wounded servicemen during the ATO & Joined Forces Operation
  • "For Charity" award (2016)
  • The Highest volunteer's award "The Volunteer Cross" (2016)
  • The "Leader of Ukraine" state award (2018)
  • By the Decree of the President of Ukraine 241/2018 "On decoration with the State Awards of Ukraine on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine", quotation:
    "..the honorary title "The MERITED DOCTOR of UKRAINE" is awarded to KULYK Oleksandr Vasilyovych - the Director of "NODUS" Neurological & Neurosurgical Research Centre, Kyiv region, for a significant personal contribution to social and economical, scientific and technical, cultural and educational development of Ukraine, for his significant achievements and high professionalism."
  • Awarded “ The Best in rehabilitation medicine of Ukraine in 2018” Certificate by the Ukrainian Academy of Rehabilitation & Health.
  • The Winner of “100 successful Ukrainians “ prize in 2019
See all

Since 2004 Olexandr has been a member of the association for the assessment of the quality of life of patients with MAPI RESEARCH INSTITUTE, LYON, FRANCE.

From 2004 to the end of 2007 - Executive Director of ZANNA private enterprise, a neurosurgeon, head of the medical and social rehabilitation unit.

From mid-2008 to October 2008 the key account manager of the CE department of the pharmaceutical company "Schering-Planu Central IST AG" (Switzerland).

In 2008, completed the course in "Total Marketing" at the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School.

In 2008 published the book "Clinical and Topographic Characteristics, Diagnosis of Gland Frontal-Calcium Localization and Their Surgical Treatment" - Publishing House: Lviv ZUCTS, 2008, 114 p.

In 2018 completed “The basics of micro surgical techniques” practical course.

In 2019 launched a scientific & engineering Nodus.Maкеrspace platform to implement the Exoskeleton.Nodus.UA. project. ‘Nodus” became an official resident of UNIT.City, the first innovative park in Ukraine.

Since January 2020 Dr Kulyk is a member of the World Federation for NeuroRehabilitation (WFNR), the individual membership number 6682.

In March 2020 Olexandr Kulyk organized and headed a Temporary Medical tent camp for counteraction the spread of COVID-19 in Brovary.

Since 2020 is a special correspondent of the "Apostrophe TV".



1. A.Y. Glavatsky, G.V. Khmelnitsky, S.N. Lysenko, A.V. Kulik. Local chemotherapy to patients with malignant brain gliomas. // Fourth Black Sea Neurosurgical congress. Chisinau. Republic of Moldova, 11-14 June, 2003 P. 72-73.

2. Glavatskiy A., Khmelnitskiy G., Kulik A., Zinkevich Ya. Interstitial Chemo-therapy of Glyal Tumor of SupratentorialLocalization [електронний ресурс]//XIV World Congress of Neurological Surgery of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, august 30-september 4, 2009, Boston, Massachusetts USA.-2967.

3. Glavatskiy A., Lysenko S., Kulik A., Khmelnitskiy G. Preventive Maintenance and Diagnostics of Portoperative Intracranial Hematomas at Treatment Patients with Supratentorially Localized Gliomas// 13th World Congress of Neurological Surgery (june 19-24) Marrakesh, 2005.-P.

4. Glavatsky A., Kulyk O. “Combined treatment of gliomas with lobus fronlis-callus localization” //13th Congress of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS), Glasgow, UU, September 2-7, 2007^Abstracts – Acta Neurochirurgica: The European journal of Neurosurgery.-Wien – New York: Springer, 2007.-P04.25. – P.CXXXVI.

5.Glavatsky A., Huzhovska N., Lysenko S., Kulyk O. “ Methods of the spasticity analysis in differentiated diagnosis of the degree of anaplasiya of glioma of the brain at the pre-surgery stage” // Vrachebnoye Delo.- 2005. – No8. – p. 53-56

6.Glavatsky А., Lysenko S., Kaminsky А., Kulyk O. “Post-surgery intracranial hematomas in treatment of patients with gliomas of supratentorial localization”. Diagnostika I Profilaktika. // Regional scientific & practical conference on “New technologies in treatments of tumors of the central nervous system” (Novosibirsk, Russia September 2004 г.). p. 8-9.

7.Glavatsky А., Semyonova V., Kulyk O., Bugrim А. “ Clinical & morphological assessment of treatment efficiency of gliomas with lobus fronlis-callus localization “. Warsaw, Poland.

8.Glavatsky А., Khmelnitsky G., Kaminsky А., Lysenko S., Kulyk O. “Use of Ommaya reservoir in neurooncology”. // ІІІ congress of oncologists and radiologists of the CIS, May 2004, Minsk, Belarus, Part.-ІІ, p. 256.

9.Glavatsky O., Oleynyk G., Kulyk O. “ Anti-tumor efficacy of Broteophin in patients with malignant tumors of the brain” // Thesis of XII Russian National Congress on “ A Human and a Remedy”. – Moscow, Russia. – . – p.90.

10. Glavatsky А., Romodanov S., Khmelnitsky G., Kulyk O., Bugrim А. “ Results of treatment of olygodendrogliomas with lobus fronlis-callus localization” //Thesis of IV congress of neuorosurgeons of Russia – Moscow – 2006.- p.159.

11. Glavatsky O., Khmelnitsky G., Lysenko S., Kulyk О., Danchuk S. “Local chemotherapy in combination treatment of patients with gliomas of lobus fronlis-callus localization” //Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal – 2006. – No1. – p.28..

12. Glavatsky О., Kulyk О. “The efficiency of palliative in combination treatment of patients with gliomas of lobus fronlis-callus localization “.//Odessa Medical Journal 2008.-No2.-p31-34.

13. Glavatsky О. Kulyk О. “The tactics of surgical treatment of patients with gliomas of lobus fronlis-callus localization depending on its topographic & anatomical variants” //Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal-2008.-No1.-p23-25.

14. Glavatsky О., Kulyk О., Khmelnitsky G., Lysenko S. “The combined treatment of gliomas of lobus fronlis-callus localization” // Vongress of VULT//Ivano-Frankivsk , April 2005: Thesis - К., 2005.- p. 527-528,No824.

15. Glavatsky О., Lysenko S., Kulyk О. “The methods of prevention of post-surgery intracranial hematomas in treatment of patients with gliomas of supratentorial localization”// (X Congress of the World Federation of the Ukrainian physician associations. Chernivtsi- Kyiv-Chicago, August 2004), p. 323.

16. Glavatsky О., Lysenko S., Kulyk О. “ Post-surgery complications of surgical treatment of patients with gliomas of supratentorial localization/an analysis of mortality structure” International Neurological Journal – 2005.- No 3.-Thesis of the International congress “ On modern issues and new technologies of treatment in neurology and neurosurgery»/ Odessa, Ukraine, І October 2005/. -. p. 64-65.

17. Glavatsky О., Lysenko S., Kulyk О., Danchuk S. “TaxoComb in surgical treatment of patients with tumors of supratentorial localization in the brain” // Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal – 2006. – No 1. – p.124-127.

18. Glavatsky О., Lisyany M., Kulyk О. “ Features of cellular and humoral immunity in patients with gliomas of supratentorial localization at pre-surgery stage”//Immunology and Allergology. – 2006. – No 2,p.60.

19. Glavatsky О., Semyonova V., Kulyk О., Bugrim О. “The study of the treatment phatomorphosis of gliomas of supratentorial localization in combined treatment with Temosolomid on the radiotherapy background.//ІХ congress of VULT(Vinnytsya, Ukraine, May 2007.): Thesis-Ukrainian Medicine News-2007.-Vol.7.-No1-2:p.187-188.

20. Glavatsky O., Khmelnitsky G., Lysenko S., Kulyk О., “The combined treatment of patients with neuro oncology using chemotherapy. // „Oncology – XXI” Scientific & Practical Conference, Thesis. Kyiv, October,- 2003.p106-107.

21. Glavatsky O., Shamayev M., Malysheva T., Kulyk О., “Surviving and prognostic factors in cases of olygodendrogliomas with lobus fronlis-callus localization “ //Ukrainian Medical Almanac -2008.-No3-p. 42-45.

22. Hordiychuk V., Kulyk О. “Immunological aspect of the development of gliomas of the brain” //HospitalSurgery-No3.-2000.-p5-7.

23. Monograph “Clinical & Topographic characteristic, diagnosis of gliomas with lobus fronlis-callus localization and its surgical treatment”/ Glavatsky O., Kulyk O., Shamayev M.,- Lviv: ЗУКЦ, 2008.-114p.

24. Kulyk O., Glavatsky O., Khmelnitsky G. “Combined treatment of gliomas with lobus fronlis-callus localization”//Thesis of IV Congress of neurosurgeons of Ukraine, Dnypropetrovsk, May 2008 р. – p. 107.

25. Kulyk O., Lisyany M., Glavatsky O., “Changes in immunological parameters in patients with gliomas with lobus fronlis-callus localization.”/ Immunology and Allergology – 2007. – No4. – p. 62-69.

26. Lysany N., Orlov Y., Kulyk O., Lysyany A.,Potapova А. “ Diagnosis of virus-associated tumors of the brains”// Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal - 2008.-No1.-p27-31.

27. Markova О., Glavatsky A., Kulyk О. “The Results of the combined treatment of patients with gliomas with lobus fronlis-callus localization using anti-tumor auto-vaccine” // Specific immunotherapy in oncology : Thesis of the scientific & practical conference on “ The issues of the specific immunotherapy in patients with malignant tumors.” Uman., 2007. /Edited by Grinevych Y. – Kyiv , : Health, 2008. – p. 153-159.

28. Markova О., Glavatsky A., Kulyk О., Mazur О. “Immuno- correcting impact of the auto-vaccine of the tumor tissue in patients with gliomas of the brain.” // Thesis of the Russian Congress “ On the combination treatment of tumors of the brain”, May 2004 --  Yekatirinburg, Russia – p.68-70.

29. Romodanov S., Glavatsky O., Khmelnitsky G., Kulyk O. “ The Combined treatment of patients with gliomas with lobus fronlis-callus localization” //Thesis of VII International conference of young oncologists “ Actual problems of experimental & clinical oncology”. – Kyiv.- 2006.- p.71.

30. Шамаєв М.І., Главацький О.Я., Малишева Т.А., Хмельницький Г.В., Кулик О.В., Бутрим О.І. Гістобіологічні та клінічні особливості олігодендрогліом. // Матеріали ІІІ з‘їзду нейрохірургів України. Алушта, Крим, 23-25 вересня 2003 року./.-К., 2003.- С.131-132.


"Immobilization syndrome in patients with long-term post-traumatic consciousness disorders is" a stumbling block" on the rehabilitation route". VII International Medical Congress on "The Implementation of medical achievements in the health care practice in Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine, April 2018

The International Scientific and Practical Conference on Neuro-Rehabilitation in Neurosurgery September 13-15, 2012, Kazan, Russia.

The International Medical Congress: Implementation of Contemporary Medical Science Achievements in Healthcare Practice, September 25-27, 2012, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Scientific and Practical Conference "Achievement of neurosurgery over the last decade".

September 26-27, 2012, Kyiv, Ukraine.

VII International Conference of Young Oncologists. February 2-3, 2006, Kyiv, Ukraine.

XI Congress of Oncologists of Ukraine. May 29 - June 2, 2006, Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine.

IV Congress of the Ukrainian Association of Therapeutic Radiology and Radiation Oncology, September 27-29, 2005, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine.

II Congress of Oncologists and Radiologists of the CIS. May 25-28, 2004 Minsk, Belarus.

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
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