We only follow Nature in our arts

Achievements of our patients
(*All information, photos and videos about patients are posted only with their consent)


Pavel Vysoven, 21 y.o. received a severe TBI in a road accident in February 2012.

In April 2012, as soon as his general condition stabilized, the patient was transferred for additional examination and treatment at NODUS. The patient was in a vegetative state.

A program of Individual Rehabilitation was created, setting the short-term and long-term tasks.

First of all, the doctors of the center did the following: removal of tracheostomy tube, nasogastric probe, subclavian and urinary catheter, kneading of muscular contractures, treatment of bedsores and normalization of the functioning of the intestine and urinary system. These tasks were successfully completed .

The long-term goals were to be achieved in rehabilitation of the patient, i.e: increased kinetic activity, verticalization, electrostimulation, conducting of examinations, as: Quantative EEG, CEMG, MR scan of the brain, TMS, testing in System 4 pro (Biodex), increased kinetic loads. Session with the psychologist and speech therapist.

At hospitalization to NODUS the patient was in a severe condition, required acute care. The was no contact with the patient, he did not do commands, had hemodynamics changes (sharp decrease in blood pressure and pulse) during physical loads and vertikalization.. His active movements were of protective nature - aimed at the stimulus, when tired- no movements at all. Did not talk. The beginning of rehabilitation treatment according to an individual rehabilitation program began on April 20, 2014.

IRP included: polymodal neurofunctional stimulation of the central and peripheral nervous system, kinesiotherapy, mechanotherapy, hardware verticalization: System 4 pro (Biodex) + Balanse Trainer + Kinetek + massage + exercise therapy.

Vertikalization session with BALANCE Trainer and Guldman lifting system, with other suppor

Development of the correct walking stereotype

Session on decrease of someone’s help, walking

Session on development of the fine motor skills

Exercise therapy in gym

Exercise therapy at the stadium

The patient successfully completed the six-month inpatient rehabilitation with the following positive results:

  • removed of tracheostomy tube, nasogastric probe, subclavian and urinary catheter;

  • eliminated muscles contractures;

  • eliminated bedsores;

  • normalized functioning of the intestine and urinary system;

  • reduction of neurological deficit;

  • restored semantic speech, self-criticism, discretion;

  • the patient can walk and run

The patient discharged from NODUS and remain under monitoring, for neurophysiological examinations.

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!