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ACHIEVEMENTS of the patient T.

Achievements of our patients
(*All information, photos and videos about patients are posted only with their consent)

ACHIEVEMENTS of the patient T.

This is Tamara.  I would like  to thank her and her relatives for allowing me to share with you her clinically unique story.

We transferred  Tamara in a grave condition from Germany, where she had undergone a neurosurgical intervention on multiple meningiomas of the brain.

In the early postoperative period there was a massive hemorrhage in the bed of the removed tumor. Coma III. An urgent surgery to remove an intravenous hematoma. On the third day  of recovery a re-hemorrhage happened , that required another surgery intervention! In a week an ischemic stroke developed. In the subacute period the patient's relatives decided to change the medical institution and return to Ukraine…

The patient is in a critical condition, suffering from a prolonged deep sopor! There are right-sided hemiplegia, left-sided hemiparesis of the II degree, somatic infectious multisystem complications, including multidrug-resistant catheter-associated urinary tract infection, vegetative  system disorders, including unstable blood pressure ranging from 90/60 to 180/80 resistant to medical correction, decompensated stenosis of the trachea after prolonged re-intubation, joint contractures and other trophic impairments. Moreover, two meningiomas had not been removed!

Relatives are scared, as the forecasts are quite bleak. They distrust doctors and do not understand how it could have occured that the patient came herself for a planned surgery and afterwards happened to be almost on the verge of life? However, they are aware that neurooncology is always of the highest risk and such unpredictable clinical course may occur in the practice of neurosurgeons all over the world!

Rather hopelessness and despair, than my explanations, convinced the relatives to leave the patient at "Nodus" to implement a tailored intensive neurorehabilitation program, including a plastic surgery of the trachea and removal of its stenosis, since the saturation was falling to 88-90%,  while turning the patient to the side, not to mention any physical activity.

Few believed that the elderly patient might have some clinical motor, speech or cognitive prospects, few believed that such a negative postoperative period with such a diagnosis and all the complications might respond positively to rehabilitation. A neurologist or a neurosurgeon may  say why such grave patients  remain patients with severe disabilities, at best,  though with considerable discomfort  in daily life, but more often they die quietly.

To understand the level of pathology that our clinic works with, to assess the condition and possible prognosis of those patients who come to us for intensive neurorehabilitation, it is not enough just  to read the "Map of Rehabilitation Institutions of Ukraine" or google on  what is rehabilitation, neurorehabilitation, or sit for hours , comparing us with other physical rehabilitation centers, that have something in common in concept and name, comparing prices and media promotion. 
One needs to restore such a patient in order to understand the possibilities of the Ukrainian professional medical neurorehabilitation!

Thanks to my  Nodus team and God that we won again!

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!