We only follow Nature in our arts
ACHIEVEMENTS of the patient ROMAN G.

Achievements of our patients
(*All information, photos and videos about patients are posted only with their consent)

ACHIEVEMENTS of the patient ROMAN G.

Roman received a trauma in the result of falling from a tree in June 2017.

On August 7th, 2017 the patient was hospitalized to Nodus for the in-patient specialized treatment and rehabilitation.

On admittance the boy complained of the absence of movements in both legs, the impairment of sensibility in both legs, urinary retention (urethral catheter urination), back pain, there was a massive trophic wound in the sacro-coccygeal region, distinct vegetative-vascular disorders while changing body position.

The patient underwent a specialized neurorehabilitation course according to the created individual rehabilitation program (IRP), that included the following sessions:

  • CPM therapy
  • Verticalization with BALANCE Trainer
  • Session in the complex of virtual visual reality with biological feedback with MOVE sensors
  • Kinesiotherapy with S-E-T
  • Active and passive rehabilitation of the lower and upper limbs (THERA Vital, MOTOMed)
  • Hardware verticalization on a verticalization platform with an estimation of the parameters of the main system
  • Neuro-electromyostimulation, carbon electrodes (NEUROSOFT)
  • Vertikalization with Easy Stand Glider
  • Darsonvalization therapy
  • Electric stimulation of the mediastinal nerves (NEUROSOFT)
  • Therapeutic rhythmic transcranial and transvertible magnetic stimulation
  • Development session of vertikalization walking
  • Verticalization session in walking simulator
  • Exercise therapy
  • PNF session
  • Manual therapy session

The following surgery intervention was done at NODUS:

  • 25.08.17- hardware purification of the trophic wound (ultrasonic cavitation of the wound), plastic defect of the skin as per Zoltan method

CPM therapy

Hardware verticalization on a verticalization platform with an estimation of the parameters of the main system

Kinesiotherapy with S-E-T

Electric stimulation of the mediastinal nerves (NEUROSOFT)

Development session of vertikalization walking with the lifting system support

Verticalization with BALANCE Trainer

Active and passive rehabilitation of the lower and upper limbs (THERA Vital)

The patient terminated the course of treatment & rehabilitation with significant positive dynamicsЖБ.зЮ

  • the trophic wound of the sacro-coccygeal region healed
  • delay in urination eliminated ( urination is normalized, though uncontrolled, in diaper)
  • the patient is adapted to stay in a vertical position-overcoming vegetative-vascular reactions to change of the position of the body. The boy is able to stay up to 4 hours in a vertical position.
  • muscles of the upper limbs and the trunk strengthen
  • the patient can walk up to 250 m with the support of walkers and orthoses for the lower limbs

Заняття з розвитком вертикалізаційної ходьби::Development session of vertikalization walking

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!