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ACHIEVEMENTS of the patient MYKOLA S. (ATO soldier)

Achievements of our patients
(*All information, photos and videos about patients are posted only with their consent)

ACHIEVEMENTS of the patient MYKOLA S. (ATO soldier)

Mykola was injured in the ATO zone in the city of Debaltsevo as a result of a road accident on February 1, 2015.

On March 04, 2015, the patient was admitted to NODUS for treatment & rehabilitation.

The patient diagnosis: the combined cranio-thoracic trauma, the severe closed trans-cranial injury (TBI) with the distinct syndrome of social, domestic and professional disadaptation.

Complete dependence of the patient on a third-party care.

The created program of Individual rehabilitation of the patient offered the following therapies::

Polymodal and local magnetic stimulation of the central nervous system (brain); the development of processes for the differentiation of reactions, the reintegration of simple sensory and motor responses, the reintegration of psychomotor and psychosensory reactions, the revival of previous sensory experience and perception, the integration of viscera vegetative, sensory, motor reactions into general psychomotor and psychosensory acts with the primary mental component.

Use of methods of structured sensory stimulation.

Hardware vertikalization and imitation of movements.

Stimulation of mechanoreceptors of joints and muscles for improvement of proprioception, passive exercises with isokinetic component.

Doing exercises and modes of cyclic contraction and stretching of muscles at high speed.

Improve the work and strengthen the muscles of the trunk and the extremities.

The treatment & rehabilitation was based on the conduct of many-hour daily sessions of specialized hardware kinesitherapy according to the protocol of combined treatment: the robotic systems of movements :Biodex, Kinetek + TheraVital, EMC, TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation), Balance Trainer, verticalization platform.

Hardware vertikalization on a vertikalization platform

Hardware vertikalization on a vertikalization platform

Session with Kinetec Performa

Verticalization session with Balance Trainer

Session with Biodex 4 Pro

Session for active and passive rehabilitation of the lower and the upper limbs (THERA-Vital)

Therapeutic rhythmic transcranial and transvertible magnetic stimulation

At the time of discharge from NODUS, the patient’s neurological status is fully recovered. Mykola can walk, sit, though he is still weakened and has minor coordination disorder. He is doing and feels well during therapeutic sessions.

However, due to the significant lability of the psycho-emotional state, a psychiatrist called for a consultation, diagnosed a severe post-traumatic syndrome in the form of acute psychosis. Therefore, the patient was recommended to continue treatment in a specialized institution. So, the wife of the patient agreed to early termination of the rehabilitation treatment at NODUS and transfer of the patient to the Psychiatrist Unit of the Central Military Hospital, Kyiv.

After stabilizing the psycho-emotional status of the patient, it is recommended to continue the rehabilitation at NODUS to advance further the achieved positive dynamics in his physical and neurological status.

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
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