We only follow Nature in our arts

Achievements of our patients
(*All information, photos and videos about patients are posted only with their consent)


Fedir Holoyad, born in 1983, received an injury in the workplace on 11 November 2016, falling from the height of 8 meters on his legs, on the construction site. The injury was combined with severe polytrauma: a complicated spinal cord trauma (SCI), a multi-fracture (mine blast) body fracture, a severe spinal cord contusion . Fedir received treatment in the inpatient division of the Obukhiv Central regional hospital and the “Borys” private clinic. After surgery, on Fedir’s Employer’s request, a field counseling of the Nodus team was conducted at the “Borys” clinic.

As per conclusions of this counseling , the patient agreed to undergo the rehabilitation treatment and was therefore admitted to Nodus on 12 December 2016.

At admission to NODUS the patient’s complains were as follows:

  • weakness in the lower limbs, especially in the right one( the absence of the usual motor activity in the right lower limb)
  • decreased sensitivity in the lower limbs
  • pain in the lumbar spine and in the lower limbs.

The patient undergone a tailored rehabilitation program, consisting of the following sessions/therapies:

  • S-E-T therapy
  • THERA Vital
  • Biodeх 4Pro
  • Development of verticalization walking
  • Hydromassage
  • Water treatment with the elements of exercise treatment in water
  • Exercise treatment
  • Manual therapy
  • Massage
  • CPM therapy
  • Electroneurostimulation
  • Magnetic stimulation, BTL
  • Transvertible& transcranial magnetic stimulation
  • Selective electroneurostimulation of the lower limbs’ nerves (NeuroSoft)


Kinetek Performa

Kinetek Breva

Manual therapy

Magnetic stimulation, BTL

Water treatment with the elements of exercise treatment in water

Biodeх 4Pro

S-E-T therapy

S-E-T therapy

Domestic readaptation

Exercises on the Climbing frame

CPM therapy


Selective electroneurostimulation of the lower limbs’ nerves (NeuroSoft)

Transvertible& transcranial magnetic stimulation

Development of verticalization walking

The patient completed the rehabilitation course with the positive dynamics:

  • The strength in muscles and coordination of movements in the lower limbs have increased
  • The volume of passive movements has increased and active movements in the right tibia-foot joint have been restored
  • Negative hemodynamics reactions to the verticalization have disappeared
  • Physical and household activity of the patient have increased
  • The walking and sitting have been restored

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!