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ACHIEVEMENTS of the patient ANATOLY S. (ATO soldier)

Achievements of our patients
(*All information, photos and videos about patients are posted only with their consent)

ACHIEVEMENTS of the patient ANATOLY S. (ATO soldier)

According to Anatoliy, he suffers from illness during the year. However, a shelling and a fall in the ATO zone he felt a sharp pain in the lumbar spine with the inability to move, stand and sit painlessly. He was hospitalized in Lisichansk Hospital, where received symptomatic treatment. In a while he was discharged and sent to the Main Military Hospital in Kyiv.

On November 12, 2015, the patient addressed to NODUS for investiagation and treatment.

The created program of the individual rehabilitation of this patient was mainly focused on:

  • reduction of pain in the lumbar and coccyх regions of the spine;
  • strenghtening of the muscular corset of the lumbar spine 

Exercise therapy with S-E-T

Exercise therapy with S-E-T

Vibrotherapy with V-Actor

Extracorporeal shock-wave therapy


The patient successfully completed the inpatient rehabilitation course with the following improvements:. 

  • the painful feeling in the lumbar and coccyx spine subsided;
  • no more manifestations of vegetative disfunction during therapeutic sessions;
  • no more cramps in the lower extremities during physical activity;
  • no more discomfort in the lumbar spine

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!