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Dear colleagues, partners and friends!

Dear colleagues, partners and friends!

27 April 2018

On April 26th, 2018 at the annual INTERNATIONAL NEURO-REHABILITATION MEDICAL CONGRESS in Kyiv I had an opportunity to make a report on the results of the work of the Nodus team with patients suffering from severe craniocerebral traumas, causing prolonged consciousness disturbances and immobilization syndrome in the intermediate and distant periods of traumatic illness.

Having analysed a huge clinical material (220 patients) for the last 6 years (January 2013- January 2018), we successfully completed this study, in the framework of the state scientific program and received a State Patent.

This work had been done in collaboration with the State Institute of Neurosurgery named after Academician A.P.Romodanov under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 

I believe my report can be useful for those, who could not attend the congress, though are constantly faced with this complicated type of disorder in their daily practice.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of time and some changes in timing, it was not possible  to show all the interesting slides with clinical examples of such cases and to comment on them at the congress. Therefore, I had to end my report only with the Conclusion.

I would like to thank the organizers of this event, since holding such scientific gatherings on a regular basis promotes the professional development of the neuro- rehabilitation in Ukraine.


Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!