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Two hours of applause, live music, shining of military awards, military ranks, the anthem of Ukraine, smiles in the blue quarantine zone on the last day of work of the anti-COVID-19 medical checkpoint

Two hours of applause, live music, shining of military awards, military ranks, the anthem of Ukraine, smiles in the blue quarantine zone on the last day of work of the anti-COVID-19 medical checkpoint

5 June 2020

Дві години оплесків з музичним живим супроводом на синій карантинній зоні в останній день та останні години роботи медичного містечка, сяйво бойових нагород, військове шикування шеренг, гімн України, посмішки!

Two hours of applause, live music, shining of military awards, military ranks , the anthem of Ukraine, smiles in the blue quarantine zone on the last day of work of the anti-Covid-19 medical checkpoint!

Today the ATO veterans - volunteers of this medical checkpoint in Brovary, exhausted, but happy Heroes greeted the medical staff of the hospital, grateful for their support and cooperation.

Two months ago these men decided voluntarily to become a frontline, a live shield, protecting people of Brovary region and the only hospital in this region from an invisible, silent enemy - coronavirus.

This was the "first SARS-CoV-2 wave", it was the last quarantine corridor with necessary decontamination measures, that had been introduced for the medical staff of the hospital before they got to their workplace.

Some people Thanked for our hard work during these months, some turned their faces away, some fled in order not to go through this energetic corridor of valor and glory of those, who had persevered and won again.

The First ones go through the hardest!
On 9am we completed our mission!

And the flag of our medical checkpoint, torn by frost, snow, rain, wind, signed by these Heroes , now is proudly on the Nodus wall. «TOGETHER until the end!»

My dear defenders , my dear team , I am grateful for this chance to be with you together at war on two fronts.


Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!