We only follow Nature in our arts

Achievements of our patients
(*All information, photos and videos about patients are posted only with their consent)


Igor Samborsky, 17 y.o, had a severe cranio-cerebral injure (TBI) , received in a road accident in 2012.

The patient was admitted to NODUS in September 2012.

A program of Individual rehabilitation of 2 inpatient specialized courses was created.

During 2 months from September 25, 2012, adaptation of the patient to vertical loads and training of big joints in System 4 pro (Biodex), Kinetek was performed. After reaching a significant clinical effect, exercise classes were held in gym and at the stadium. The kinetic activity gradually increased, verticalization, electrostimulation sessiona were regularly performed. Regular examinations with the use of computer electroencephalography, computer electromyography, MRscan of the brain, transcranial ultrasonography and dopplerography, testing in System 4 pro (Biodex) were made. Neurophysiological indicators showed improvement in the patient’s condition.

The second course of rehabilitation was provided from August 26, 2013 to September 26, 2013. This course was based on S-E-T (therapy for training of deep body muscles) and vertical training sessions at Balance Trainer (coordinating vertical loads) .

At hospitalization to NODUS the patient was in contact. Igor could do the commands, but got tired quickly. His speech was monotonous, unemotionalr. The patient could not walk. There were active movements, but his muscular strength was insufficient for walking, the stereotype of movements was partially lost.

The rehabilitation treatment according to the individual rehabilitation program (IRP) began on September 25, 2014.

IRP included: polymodal neurofunctional stimulation of the central and peripheral nervous system, kinesiotherapy, mechanotherapy, hardware verticalization: System 4 pro (Biodex) + Balanse Trainer + Kinetek + SET + massage + exercise therapy (stadium, arena).

Vertikalization session with BALANCE Trainer and Guldman lifting system

Walking simulation in the lifting system with the use of fixing devices

Vertikalization session with BALANCE Trainer without supporting lifting

Development of coordination during vertikalization

Session with S-E-T for training of deep body muscles

Session with S-E-T for training of extremities

The patient successfully completed the individual inpatient rehabilitation with the following positive results:

  • normalized functioning of intestine and urinary systems

  • reduction of neurological deficit (decrease in hemypareshis to minimum);

  • restored semantic emotional speech, self-criticism, discretion

  • developed the correct pattern of basic movements

  • the patient can walk and run.

The patient is discharged from NODUS and remain under monitoring, for neurophysiological examinations.

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!