We only follow Nature in our arts

Achievements of our patients
(*All information, photos and videos about patients are posted only with their consent)



In July 2017 Lavrenty, born in 1986, diving, hit his head and felt an abrupt sharp pain in the neck and immobilization of limbs.

The patient received the first aid and treatment in Odessa hospital #1 , Neurosurgery Dptm, in July-August 2017, where a surgery intervention was conducted.

In August Lavrenty was admitted to Nodus.

At Nodus during August-December 2017 Lavrenty received an in-patient specialized neuro-rehabilitation and completed this course with positive dynamics. After holidays Lavrenty returned for an out-patient treatment at Nodus, and completed it with positive results, though terminated it prematurely.

At hospitalization to Nodus he could not move his legs, had weakness in his hands, insensitivity below nipples level, enuresis, difficulty defecation, constant sub-febrile temperature , difficult breathing.

Lavrenty completed a specialized neuro-rehabilitation course according to created individual rehabilitation program (IPR)

The following therapies were used:

Vertikalization with Balance Trainer 

Neuroelectrostimulation, carbon electrodes 

Functional hand & arm therapy with Armeo Spring

Session with Biodeх 4 Pro

Kinesiotherapy with S-E-T

Mirror therapy 

Hardware verticalization on a verticalization platform with an estimation of the parameters of the main systems

Therapeutic rhythmic transcranial and transvertible magnetic stimulation

Electric non-invasive stimulation if tibia and peroneal nerves

СPM therapy with Kinetek Breva

СPM therapy with Kinetek Performa 

Hardware press-therapy for the improvement of lymph and blood flow in limbs

Manual therapy, general, session

Exercise therapy with manual therapy elements , Centre, session
Active and passive rehabilitation of the lower and upper limbs ( MOTOmed )

Verticalization session in walking simulator

Verticalization with Balance Trainer

Functional hand & arm therapy with Armeo Spring

Hardware verticalization on a verticalization platform

Active and passive rehabilitation of the lower and upper limbs (MOTOmed )

S-E-T exercise therapy

Hardware press-therapy

ARAT diagnostics

Mirror therapy

Biodex Pro4 session

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!