We only follow Nature in our arts

Achievements of our patients
(*All information, photos and videos about patients are posted only with their consent)


In November 2011, Olexander Kotsaba, 28 y.o. received a craniocerebral trauma (TBI). He was without consciousness in the intensive care unit for 10 days, after stabilization of the neurological and somatic status, the patient was transferred to outpatient treatment at the place of residence.

On June 25, 2012 relatives addressed to NODUS for further rehabilitation of the man. After preliminary examination, it became clear that surgical intervention on the elimination of iatrogenic brain compression and cranioplasty was required. It was performed in one week after the hospitalization of Olexander to NODUS.

A program of Individual Rehabilitation was created. In this individual rehabilitation program (IRP) the following short-term, extremely necessary measures, were underlined: another surgery required, working with muscle contractures, normalization of the functioning of the intestine and the urinary system. These tasks were to be completed , in order to attain the long-term goals through strengthening of kinetic activity, verticalization and electrostimulation. The kinetic loads were increased after series of examinations: computer electroencephalography, electromyography, MR scan of the brain, transcranial doplerography and testing in System 4 pro (Biodex).

At hospitalization to NODUS the patient was in contact. However, after insignificant physical activity, the patient became quickly tired, his speech was monotonous, emotionless. The man could walk, though was constantly feeling bad. There were active movements, but his muscular strength was insufficient to increase the load, the stereotype of movements and coordination were partially lost.

IRP included: polymodal neurofunctional stimulation of the central and peripheral nervous system, kinesiotherapy, mechanotherapy, hardware verticalization: System 4 pro (Biodex) + Balanse Trainer + Kinetek + massage + exercise therapy, Spirocom.

Kneading all body joints with BIODEX 4 Pro

Session on training deep body muscles and decrease of spasticity with S-E-T

Exercise therapy at the stadium (transition from going to run, increasing gradually the distance and time of classes)

The patient successfully completed the three-month inpatient rehabilitation with the following positive results:

  • Surgically eliminated yatrogene brain compression (2 cranioplastic surgeries)

  • eliminated muscles contractures;

  • normalized functioning of intestine and urinary systems

  • reduction of neurological deficit (decrease in hemypareshis to minimum);

  • restored semantic emotional speech, self-criticism, discretion

  • developed the correct pattern of basic movements

  • improved coordination of movements

  • the patient can walk and run. The patient is discharged from NODUS and remain under monitoring, for neurophysiological examinations.

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!