We only follow Nature in our arts

Achievements of our patients
(*All information, photos and videos about patients are posted only with their consent)


Alexander B., born in 1996, was injured as a result of an accident – he was run over by a car on a pedestrian crossing on September 26, 2014. After receiving severe injuries, the patient was treated at the place of residence, On January 17, 2015 in a stable difficult condition (coma) the boy was discharged and transferred at home. Olexander's mother had been applying to several rehabilitation institutions both in Ukraine and abroad, though in vain, due to the grave patient's condition , he was denied medical care . In the period from 17.01.2015 to 05/28/2015, the patient did not receive specialized medical care, all outpatient treatment was reduced to social and domestic care for the patient.

On May 30, 2015, the NODUS specialists conducted a field medical consultation and the patient was transferred to NODUS for neuro-rehabilitation treatment.

At NODUS a comprehensive examination of the patient was conducted and an individual rehabilitation program (IRP) created. The IRP included: symptomatic pharmacotherapy, surgical intervention (ventriculopera-tonestomy, cranioplastic surgery), exercise therapy, massage, verticalization, hardware kinesiotherapy, mechano-therapy with biofeedback, electromiostimulation, medical and protective treatment and social rehabilitation.


Session with Kinetec Breva and Kinetec Maestro

Hardware verticalization on a verticalization platform (a tilt table)

Hardware verticalization on a verticalization platform (a tilt table)

Therapeutic rhythmic transcranial and transvertible magnetic stimulation

Verticalization session in the Guldman system

S-E-T exercise therapy

S-E-T exercise therapy

Developing the stereotype of the movement with the walking simulator

Developing the stereotype of the movement with the walking simulator

Sitting in a wheel chair

Upon completion of the rehabilitation: the patient's condition is stable, Olexander requires constant third-party care.

The time, that the patient spends in an upright position, has increased.

The patient is in a vegetative state (the neurological status), responds to speech, stimuli, although he does not yet execute any instructions.

There is a hypotrophy of muscles, but the patient has gradually been gaining weight.

Sometimes the patient behaves restlessly, his hypertonum rises.

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!