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ACHIEVEMENTS of the patient KYRYL K.

Achievements of our patients
(*All information, photos and videos about patients are posted only with their consent)

ACHIEVEMENTS of the patient KYRYL K.

In August 2017 Kyryl K.,15 years old, had a road accident. In the results of this, the boy received a severe head trauma, multiple injuries of lungs, fractures of ribs, spleen trauma and multiple hematomas on the body. He was hospitalized to the Acute Unit in Odessa Regional Children’s Hospital. There Kyryl had laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, conservative therapy and patronage.

At the end of August 2017 the patient was admitted for rehabilitation to Nodus.

The patient received an in-patient specialized neurorehabilitation course according to the created individual rehabilitation program (IRP), that included the following sessions:

  • Kinesiotherapy session in a closed cycle (ORBITRACK)

  • Verticalization session with Walking simulator

  • Machine dosed walking session in MILL&MILL TRACK

  • Functional arm & hand therapy with ARMEO Spring

  • Vertikalization session with BALANCE Trainer

  • Session with Virtual visual Reality (VR) with biofeedback with MOVE sensors

  • Session for active and passive rehabilitation of the lower and upper limbs (THERA-vital )

  • Session with BIODEX 4 pro

  • Kinesiotherapy with S-E-T

  • Individual psychotherapy session (cognitive-behavioral therapy, Art therapy)

Vertikalization session with BALANCE Trainer

Session with the development of Vertikalization walking

Session for active and passive rehabilitation of the lower and upper limbs (THERA-vital )

Session with BIODEX 4 pro

Kinesiotherapy session in a closed cycle (ORBITRACK)

Machine dosed walking session in MILL&MILL TRACK

Kinesiotherapy with S-E-T

Functional arm & hand therapy with ARMEO Spring

Individual psychotherapy session (cognitive-behavioral therapy, Art therapy)

The patient successfully completed the individual in-patient rehabilitation course with the following positive results:

  • The level of consciousness improved from the reintegration syndrome of the 6A level ( confused consciousness with aspontaneity) to the clear consciousness of the 9 level (vague disorders) as per Dobrokhotova Scale

  • A considerable left-side hemiparesis decreased, endurance & muscle strength of the left limbs increased from 4 to 5 points

  • movement coordination improved

  • symmetric movements during exercise doing achieved

  • self-care ability restored

  • memory, attention, emotional state improved, though there is slow thinking and moderate mnemonic disorders.

Через рік після виписки

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
To visitors and patients!