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The visit of Shilo HARRIS, a soldier legend, the veteran of the US Army, to Nodus

The visit of Shilo HARRIS, a soldier legend, the veteran of the US Army, to Nodus

5 October 2017

Візит солдата-легенди, ветерана армії США Шайло Гарріса в Нодус

October 04, 2017 - the new day brings unforgettable impressions, emotions and feelings!

Today Mr Shilo Harris, a Man- Legend, a Warrior of the "Steel Will", a retired US Army Chief Sergeant, who passed through the Hell, "... to become the man, he was meant to be!" came to NODUS.

The incredible Shilo Harris, accompanied by his wife, Mrs Jamie Panizza-Kimball, Ms Christi Anne Hofland – The America House Director, Ms Anna Zevako – The America House Communications Assistant, Ms Tetyana Strelchenko - The America House Events and Partnerships Manager and the US Embassy Press Section, visited our centre on his very first visit to Ukraine.

And suddenly when, everyone took their seats in the Kinesiotherapy room to start the conversation, confused and intense silence emerged between our Ukrainian warriors and the guests- our Heroes were silently looking at the guest, and Shilo was looking speachless at them - eyes in the eyes, those who passed through the hell of war, …their souls were talking quietly …

In a while the active Shailo Harris said the first words, explaining why he came to see them at Nodus first of all.

Over these four years of war I have heard a lot of stories, and many examples of missionary activity at the great time of reassessment of moral qualities, values ​​and personal nature, read a lot of social slogans, appeals and instructions how to act. BUT for the first time I met a person, a MAN, a SOLDIER, who went through and ultimately survived the Hell after severe injuiry in Iraq. Shilo was talking to our brave guys not about how to overcome difficulties, to cope with problems, how to stand still and not fall,. NO! He was talking just about one primary thing - how to become an example for others! An example to follow! How to use what has happened to each of our wounded soldiers, so that they could reconsider their own dramatic experience in order to change someone else , to lead those who have despaired and given up. Shilo said: "BE! Show everyone that you are alive!!!", "Let everyone see that you are alive and capable of being here and LIVE!". Each word of Shyloh Harris was full of Life, and as never before – an appropriate to the situation. All his thoughts impressed me with the depth and expressiveness! Shilo’s simple clear ideas encouaraged us all to keep doing our Cause, despite all obstacles and moments of disappointment.

We all with tears and breath taken, were listening to Shilo…

Different countries, different wars, different wounds, but the SOLDIERS, the HONOUR, the POWER and the STEEL WILL are THE SAME!

Донині в Нодусі діє Благодійний проект реабілітаційного лікування поранених в зоні АТО військовослужбовців та добровольців
neuropsychological rehabilitation
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